Dec. 13, 2009

So after leaving all the powder behind in the Innsbruck area and the Zillertal Arena ski region in Tirol we drove straight into masses of the stuff in Zauchensee, Ski Amade.  It snowed all yesterday and then heavily this morning – the clouds then broke and there were some great conditions on offer – powder lines everywhere.

This time I watched from the car park – the fall that I had on the first day at Axamer Lizum had remained a minor irritation for 8 days and then on Friday suddenly erupted to leave me unable to walk. Red wine and pain killers have brought back the ability to walk but today was too early to get back on skis – I have spent too many winter days over recent years in Innsbruck hospital casualty for my liking – this year has to be different. So far the December powder skiing in Austria (both Salzburg and Tirol) have been incredible, the best I can ever remember.